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Title: Blood Theatre
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4
Imdb Votes: 24
Duration: 75 mins
Year: 1984
Language: English,
Genre: Horror, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Three young movie theater employees are given the task of re-opening a long-closed, old-time theater at which, many years before, a shocking series of grisly murders took place. It seems many more murders have occurred since then but all of this remains unknown to these three young upstart employees hoping to finally make it big on their own. As they approach the grand re-opening night, things keep getting stranger and more unsettling with items suddenly starting to move around by themselves without any seen aid and a terrifying old man seemingly haunting the premises.


Actors - Crew

Mary Woronov
Miss Blackwell
Jenny Cunningham
Jennifer / Ellen
Jonathan Blakely
Original Owner
Andrew Cofrin
Joanna Foxx
Stephanie Dillard
Rick Sloane
Alice Raley
Assistant Director
Bill Fishman
Director of Photography

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