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Title: A Passage to India
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.775
Imdb Votes: 284
Duration: 163 mins
Year: 1984
Language: English, Hindi,
Genre: Drama, Adventure, History,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


Set during the period of growing influence of the Indian independence movement in the British Raj, the story begins with the arrival in India of a British woman, Miss Adela Quested, who is joining her fiancé, a city magistrate named Ronny Heaslop. She and Ronny's mother, Mrs. Moore, befriend an Indian doctor, Aziz H. Ahmed.


Actors - Crew

Judy Davis
Adela Quested
Victor Banerjee
Dr. Aziz H. Ahmed
Peggy Ashcroft
Mrs. Moore
James Fox
Richard Fielding
Alec Guinness
Professor Godbole
Nigel Havers
Ronny Heaslop
Vera Mitchell
Jill Carpenter
Makeup Artist
Robin Browne
Special Effects
Eric Allwright
Makeup Artist
Elaine Bowerbank
Tarun Tej
Visual Effects

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