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Title: Yellowbeard
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.5
Imdb Votes: 138
Duration: 96 mins
Year: 1983
Language: French, Spanish, English, Italian,
Genre: Comedy, Adventure,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


For years Yellowbeard had looted the Spanish Main, making men eat their lips and swallow their hearts. Caught and convicted for tax evasion, he's sentenced to 20 years in St. Victim's Prison for the Extremely Naughty. In a scheme to confiscate his fabulous treasure, the Royal Navy allows him to escape and follows him, where saucy tarts, lisping demigods and some awful puns and punishments await.


Actors - Crew

Graham Chapman
Captain Yellowbeard
Martin Hewitt
Eric Idle
Commander Clement
Peter Cook
Lord Percy Lambourn
Michael Hordern
Dr. Gilpin
Peter Boyle
Neville Smallwood
Makeup Artist
Gerry Fisher
Director of Photography
William Reynolds
Peter Cook
Lilia Palomino
Makeup Artist
Terry Walsh

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