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Title: The Jigsaw Man
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.8
Imdb Votes: 36
Duration: 94 mins
Year: 1983
Language: English,
Genre: Thriller,
Country: United Kingdom,


Philip Kimberly, the former head of the British Secret Service who defected to Russia, is given plastic surgery and sent back to Britain by the KGB to retrieve some vital documents. With the documents in hand, he instead plays off MI6 and the KGB against each other.


Actors - Crew

Michael Caine
Philip Kimberley / Sergei Kuzminsky
Laurence Olivier
Adm. Sir Gerald Scaith
Susan George
Penelope Kimberley / Annabelle Kimberley
Robert Powell
Jamie Fraser
Charles Gray
Sir James Chorley
Morteza Kazerouni
Boris Medvachian
Jo Eisinger
Terence Young
Dorothea Bennett
Benjamin Fisz
Derek Trigg
Mahmud Sipra
Executive Producer

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