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Title: Dust of Empire
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.75
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 103 mins
Year: 1983
Language: French,
Genre: Drama,
Country: France,


In 1954, escorted by a sergeant, a French nun travels through Tonkin, spreading the good Catholic word as she goes. A mute child leads her to a remote village. Installed at a carpenter, the travelers prepare the projection material indispensable to their propaganda. At nightfall, in a storm, a group of maquisards surrounded the house. Fortunately, the carpenter is a respected man. The attackers withdraw. After a sudden rise in water, the mute child loses the precious message that had been entrusted to him by a wounded maquis...


Actors - Crew

Dominique Sanda
Jean-François Stévenin
Sergeant Tam-Tam
The carpenter
Yann Roussel
Eurasian Man
Anne Canovas
French Woman
Lan Hoang
Vietnamese Woman
Lâm Lê
Henry Colomer
Yves Gasser
Catherine Renault
Jean-Vincent Puzos
Art Direction
Patrick Aubrée
First Assistant Director

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