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Title: Veronika Voss
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.2
Imdb Votes: 135
Duration: 105 mins
Year: 1982
Language: English, German,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Germany,


In Munich 1955, German film star Veronika Voss becomes a drug addict at the mercy of corrupt Dr. Marianne Katz, who keeps her supplied with morphine. After meeting sports writer Robert Krohn, Veronika begins to dream of a return to stardom. As the couple's relationship escalates in intensity, Veronika begins seriously planning her return to the screen -- only to realize how debilitated she has become through her drug habit.


Actors - Crew

Rosel Zech
Veronika Voss
Hilmar Thate
Robert Krohn
Cornelia Froboess
Annemarie Düringer
Dr. Marianne Katz
Doris Schade
Erik Schumann
Dr. Edel
Pea Fröhlich
Thomas Schühly
Barbara Baum
Costume Design
Walter E. Richarz
Art Direction
Peter Märthesheimer
Rainer Werner Fassbinder

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