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Title: The White Rose
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.265
Imdb Votes: 16
Duration: 123 mins
Year: 1982
Language: German,
Genre: Drama, History,
Country: Germany,


During the Second World War, a small group of students at Munich University begin to question the decisions and sanity of Germany's Nazi government. The students form a resistance cell which they name the "White Rose" after a newsletter that is secretly distributed to the student body. At first small in numbers and fearful of discovery, the White Rose begins to gain massive support after a Nazi Gauleiter nearly incites a student riot after a provokative speech. At this point, the matter is taken over by the German Gestapo, who pledge to hunt down and destroy the members of the White Rose.


Actors - Crew

Lena Stolze
Sophie Scholl
Wulf Kessler
Hans Scholl
Oliver Siebert
Alex Schmorell
Ulrich Tukur
Willi Graf
Werner Stocker
Christoph Probst
Anja Kruse
Traute Lafrenz
Michael Verhoeven
Mario Krebs
Joschi Arpa
Executive Producer
Artur Brauner
Hans Prescher
Dietmar Schings

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