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Title: The Linnet
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.2
Imdb Votes: 24
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1982
Language: Polish,
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
Country: Poland,


Kaziuk, a stubborn peasant and his pregnant wife live in a backwood village, unaffected by the civilization. The village is once visited by a couple of wanderers, and strange things start to happen afterward. A new schoolteacher is sent to the area. She stirs erotic fantasies in Kaziuk. In a stir of frustration Kaziuk cuts down a family tree - a sacrilegious act in the eyes of his family. Going a step further and using a scythe for cutting the rye instead of a sickle brings the whole village against him.


Actors - Crew

Krzysztof Majchrzak
Kaziuk Bartoszewicz
Anna Seniuk
Handzia, żona Kaziuka
Joanna Sienkiewicz
Nauczycielka Jola
Jerzy Block
Józef, tatko Kaziuka
Marek Siudym
Michał, brat Kaziuka
Tomasz Jarosiński
Ziutek, syn Kaziuka
Witold Leszczyński
Edward Redliński
Hanna Ćwikło
Costume Design
Maciej Maria Putowski
Production Design
Jerzy Szawłowski
Wojciech Karolak
Original Music Composer

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