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Title: The Angel
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.65
Imdb Votes: 20
Duration: 66 mins
Year: 1982
Language: French,
Genre: Animation, Mystery, Fantasy,
Country: France,


The climbing of an immense staircase made up of the most varied stairs- Symbolic scenes occur on different levels where characters seem to be prisoners of their deeds and of their own folly. The steep staircase leads little by little towards the zones of great light where human beings and nonhuman beings meet.


Actors - Crew

Rita Renoir
La femme nue
Maurice Baquet
Le premier bibliothécaire
Martine Couture
La servante
Dominique Serrand
Jean-Marie Bon
L'homme au bain
René Patrignani
Patrick Bokanowski
Guy Coda
Production Design
Christian Daninos
Production Design
Philippe Lavalette
Director of Photography
Jean-Daniel Yver
Production Design
Claude Nessi
Production Design

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