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Title: Oasis of the Zombies
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.125
Imdb Votes: 40
Duration: 85 mins
Year: 1982
Language: Spanish,
Genre: Horror,
Country: Spain, France,


In a remote desert oasis, a fortune in gold was hidden by the Nazis during World War 2. 50 years later, a bunch of fortune-hunters converge on that selfsame oasis. Imagine their discomfiture upon discovering that the gold is being guarded by an army of zombies.


Actors - Crew

Manuel Gélin
Robert Blabert
France Lomay
Myriam Landson
Kurt's Wife
Éric Viellard
Caroline Audret
Henri Lambert
Claude Gros
Editorial Manager
Claude Panier
Sound Director
Daniel Lesoeur
Production Manager
Jesús Franco
Sylvie Perrot
Production Office Assistant
Richard Green
Special Effects Coordinator

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