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Title: Fanny and Alexander
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.774
Imdb Votes: 744
Duration: 188 mins
Year: 1982
Language: English, German, Swedish, Yiddish,
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Mystery,
Country: Sweden, Germany, France,


As children in the loving Ekdahl family, Fanny and Alexander enjoy a happy life with their parents, who run a theater company. After their father dies unexpectedly, however, the siblings end up in a joyless home when their mother, Emilie, marries a stern bishop. The bleak situation gradually grows worse as the bishop becomes more controlling, but dedicated relatives make a valiant attempt to aid Emilie, Fanny and Alexander.


Actors - Crew

Pernilla Allwin
Fanny Ekdahl
Bertil Guve
Alexander Ekdahl
Jan Malmsjö
Bishop Edvard Vergerus
Börje Ahlstedt
Carl Ekdahl
Anna Bergman
Hanna Schwartz
Gunn Wållgren
Helena Ekdahl
Bengt Lundgren
Special Effects
Benjamin Britten
Frans Helmerson
Robert Schumann
Daniel Bell
Anna Asp
Set Designer

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