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Title: New Wave Lovers
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 2.5
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1981
Language: German,
Genre: Comedy, Music,
Country: Germany, Israel,


Freddy wants to be a star. He writes and performs his own songs, but has no record contract yet. He has an idea to form a group of back-up vocalists and recruits four beautiful girls who also happen to be his former lovers. They name themselves "THE FOUR PIN-UPS." But even this doesn't work because Freddy wants the spotlight for himself. However, by chance, the girls find themselves onstage without Freddy; they start singing and capture the audience and sign a contract with a big producer. They seem to be on the road to success with their own sound and a new wave image. Except the dream begins to lose its glow; scandal, conflicts, and disenchantment start affecting the group. They go from number one to...


Actors - Crew

Sascha Hehn
Bea Fiedler
Peter Schlesinger
Moti Gilad
April Clough
Bonnie Benedict
Franz Xaver Lederle
Director of Photography
Artur Brauner
Joel Silberg

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