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Title: Zigeunerweisen
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.549
Imdb Votes: 41
Duration: 144 mins
Year: 1980
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Mystery, Drama,
Country: Japan,


A surreal period film following a university professor and his eerie nomad friend as they go through loose romantic triangles and face death in peculiar ways.


Actors - Crew

Toshiya Fujita
Toyojiro Aochi
Naoko Ohtani
Sono / Koine
Yoshio Harada
Michiyo Yasuda
Shuko Aochi
Kisako Makishi
Taeko Aochi
Yuki Furutachi
Nobutake Kamiya
Takeo Kimura
Art Direction
Seijun Suzuki
Hyakken Uchida
Genjiro Arato
Executive Producer
Katsumi Itou
Sound Effects

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