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Title: Writhing Tongue
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.2
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 114 mins
Year: 1980
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Drama, Horror,
Country: Japan,


Masako, a five-year-old girl living, gets a scratch on her finger. After that, she suffered horrible spasms. The doctor checks on her and arrives at the conclusion that she has tetanus. Her parents have to bear the sufferings of their child. The once peaceful family has changed completely.


Actors - Crew

Mayuko Wakamori
Masako Miyoshi
Tsunehiko Watase
Akira Miyoshi
Yukiyo Toake
Kunie Miyoshi
Ryoko Nakano
Dr. Nose
Jūkichi Uno
Tanie Kitabayashi
Akira's mother
Yoshitaro Nomura
Akira Oda
Noboru Isozaki
Set Decoration
Masato Ide
Matsutaro Kobayashi
Lighting Director
Kazuo Ôta

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