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Title: The Last Reunion
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.1
Imdb Votes: 4
Duration: 98 mins
Year: 1980
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
Country: Philippines, United States of America,


Several members of a platoon of American soldiers not only kill a Japanese general, but also rape and murder the man's wife. The couple's son, Kimon, witnesses these ghastly events and vows revenge. Thirty-three years later the platoon get back together in Manila for a reunion. The adult Kimon also shows up to pick off the platoon members who are responsible for butchering his parents.


Actors - Crew

Leo Fong
Kimon Matsuda
Laird Stuart
Cpl. Steadman
Philip Baker Hall
Mike Sills
Cameron Mitchell
Sam Hacker
Butz Aquino
Japanese general
Stack Pierce
Frank Washington
Jay Wertz
Kim Ramos
Galen Thompson

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