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Title: The Earthling
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.2
Imdb Votes: 25
Duration: 97 mins
Year: 1980
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Drama, Adventure,
Country: Australia, United States of America,


Recently diagnosed with a terminal illness, a man returns home to Australia to die in the wilderness. His plans become complicated when he comes across a young boy whose parents have been killed and decides to take him under his wing.


Actors - Crew

William Holden
Patrick Foley
Ricky Schroder
Shawn Daley
Jack Thompson
Ross Daley
Olivia Hamnett
Bettina Daley
Alwyn Kurts
Christian Neilson
Pat Evison
Meg Neilson
Peter Collinson
John Strong
Lanny Cotler
Elliot Schick
Bob Hilditch
Art Direction
Bernard Hides
Art Direction

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