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Title: The Blood of Hussain
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.2
Imdb Votes: 5
Duration: 112 mins
Year: 1980
Language: English, Urdu,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Pakistan, United Kingdom,


A dramatic depiction of the life of Hussain, with allegorical references to the history of the Prophet Muhammad and his descendants. It is prophesied that Young Hussain will one day lead the impoverished masses to a better life. It is his brother, Hasan, however who gains in prominence and when the government is overthrown in a military coup, he tries to adapt. Hussain in the meanwhile gets married and leads a small band of rebels in an attempt to fight the military dictatorship.


Actors - Crew

Salmaan Peerzada
Hussain Murtaza / Selim
Kika Markham
Durriya Kazi
Hussain's Wife
Kabuli Baba
Mirza Ghazanfar Begg
Jamil Dehlavi
Jamil Dehlavi
Director of Photography
Walter Lassally
Director of Photography
Sandra Marsh
Associate Producer
Imraan Peerzada
Assistant Director
Rafiq Abdullah

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