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Title: Heaven's Gate
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.774
Imdb Votes: 350
Duration: 217 mins
Year: 1980
Language: Serbo-Croatian, English, Polish, German, Russian, French, Ukrainian,
Genre: Drama, Western, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


Harvard graduate James Averill is the sheriff of prosperous Jackson County, Wyo., when a battle erupts between the area's poverty-stricken immigrants and its wealthy cattle farmers. The politically connected ranch owners fight the immigrants with the help of Nathan Champion, a mercenary competing with Averill for the love of local madam Ella Watson. As the struggle escalates, Averill and Champion begin to question their decisions.


Actors - Crew

Kris Kristofferson
James Averill
Christopher Walken
Nathan D. Champion
John Hurt
Billy Irvine
Sam Waterston
Frank Canton
Brad Dourif
Mr. Eggleston
Isabelle Huppert
Ella Watson
Michael Cimino
Joann Carelli
Denis O'Dell
Executive Producer
Charles Okun
Executive Producer
Vilmos Zsigmond
Director of Photography
Lisa Fruchtman

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