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Title: Haine
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 9
Duration: 87 mins
Year: 1980
Language: French,
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
Country: France,


Klaus Kinski plays the role of a drifter on a motorcycle who happens to be passing through town immediately after a young school girl has been run over and killed by an unknown person on a motorcycle. The parents of the girl conspire to get rid of Kinski with the help of some of the locals including the town bully who recently had a run-in with Kinski in a pub over a woman. Kinski's only ally is the woman whose honor he tried to defend. Trapped in the town due to sabotage on his bike and a number of other incidents, Kinski soon realizes he is in real trouble.


Actors - Crew

Klaus Kinski
Le motard
Maria Schneider
Patrice Melennec
Le camionneur
Évelyne Bouix
La serveuse
Katia Tchenko
La mère
Paulette Frantz
La patronne du bistro
Dominique Goult
Jean-Claude Bonfanti
Bertrand Hautot
Second Assistant Director
Michel Vocoret
Dominique Daudon
Script Supervisor
Jean-Paul Thirriot

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