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Title: Devil Hunter
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.5
Imdb Votes: 33
Duration: 102 mins
Year: 1980
Language: Spanish,
Genre: Horror,
Country: Spain, Germany, France,


The lovely Laura, on a modelling job in South Africa, is kidnapped by a gang who carry her off into the jungle from where they demand a huge ransom. Two men set off in a helicopter to rescue her, little knowing what horrors Laura is enduring in the meantime in the savage clutches of a primitive and bloodthristy world. Laura's rescuers not only have to face the cruel violence of her captors - but also the horrifying lust for blood of a primitive and cruel god.


Actors - Crew

Ursula Buchfellner
Laura Crawford (as Ursula Fellner)
Al Cliver
Peter Weston
Antonio Mayans
Jack (as Robert Foster)
Antonio de Cabo
Bertrand Altmann
The Devil (as Burt Altman)
Gisela Hahn
Jesús Franco
Nicole Guettard
Julián Esteban Rivera
Daniel Lesoeur
Associate Producer
Federico Vich
Karl Spiehs

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