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Title: Bad Timing
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.5
Imdb Votes: 143
Duration: 123 mins
Year: 1980
Language: French, English, German, Czech,
Genre: Mystery, Drama, Thriller,
Country: United Kingdom,


Alex Linden is a psychiatrist living in Vienna who meets Milena Flaherty though a mutual friend. Though Alex is quite a bit older than Milena, he's attracted to her young, carefree spirit. Despite the fact that Milena is already married, their friendship quickly turns into a deeply passionate love affair that threatens to overtake them both. When Milena ends up in the hospital from an overdose, Alex is taken into custody by Inspector Netusil.


Actors - Crew

Art Garfunkel
Alex Linden
Theresa Russell
Milena Flaherty
Harvey Keitel
Inspector Netusil
Denholm Elliott
Stefan Vognic
Daniel Massey
Foppish Man
Dana Gillespie
Amy Miller
Jeremy Thomas
Yale Udoff
Nicolas Roeg
Tony Lawson
Tim Van Rellim
Richard Hartley
Original Music Composer

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