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Title: The Shape of Things to Come
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.019
Imdb Votes: 27
Duration: 98 mins
Year: 1979
Language: English,
Genre: Science Fiction,
Country: Canada,


Planet Earth is a devastated wasteland, and what's left of humanity has colonized the Moon in domed cities. Humanity's continued survival depends on an anti-radiation drug only available on planet Delta Three, which has been taken over by Omus, a brilliant but mad mechanic who places no value on human life. Omus wants to come to the Moon to rule and intends to attack it by ramming robot-controlled spaceships into the domes. Dr. John Caball, his son Jason, Jason's friend, Kim, and a robot named Sparks embark on Caball's space battlecruiser on an unauthorized mission to Delta Three to stop Omus.


Actors - Crew

Jack Palance
Carol Lynley
Barry Morse
Dr. John Caball
John Ireland
Senator Smedley
Nicholas Campbell
Jason Caball
Anne-Marie Martin
Kim Smedley
George McCowan
Joseph Glazner
Mike Cheda
H.G. Wells
Stan Cole
Bill Wood
Special Effects

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