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Title: The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 2.2
Imdb Votes: 6
Duration: 72 mins
Year: 1979
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United States of America,


A photographer cruises Hollywood and takes pictures of young models he then strangles. Meanwhile, a woman who works in a porno bookstore in downtown L.A. takes it upon herself to kill off the local derelicts. Soon the two killers meet up with each other.


Actors - Crew

Pierre Agostino
Johnathan Click (The Hollywood Strangler)
Carolyn Brandt
The Skid Row Slasher
Chuck Alford
Slasher Victim #1
Jim Parker
Slasher Victim #2
Forest Duke
Slasher Victim #3
John Leeman
Slasher Victim #4
Ray Dennis Steckler
Carolyn Brandt

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