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Title: The Frisco Kid
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.139
Imdb Votes: 144
Duration: 119 mins
Year: 1979
Language: English, Yiddish,
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Western,
Country: United States of America,


Rabbi Avram arrives in Philadelphia from Poland en route to San Francisco where he will be a congregation's new rabbi. An innocent and inexperienced traveller, he is tricked by con men to pay for the trip to go west, then they leave him and his belongings scattered along a deserted road. He is befriended by a stranger, Tommy, who is a bank robber and have many adventures during their journey.


Actors - Crew

Gene Wilder
Harrison Ford
Ramon Bieri
Mr. Jones
Val Bisoglio
Chief Gray Cloud
George DiCenzo
Darryl Diggs
Leo Fuchs
Chief Rabbi
Robert Aldrich
Michael Elias
Frank Shaw
Mace Neufeld
Hawk Koch
Executive Producer
Mel Dellar
Associate Producer

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