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Title: Images in a Convent
Sensity: Yes
Imdb Rate: 5.2
Imdb Votes: 26
Duration: 93 mins
Year: 1979
Language: Italian,
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
Country: Italy,


Locked behind the walls of a convent are an order of beautiful nuns whose vows force them to forget the pleasures of sexual contact. Crazed with lust and desire many of the nuns pleasure themselves and each other in fear of the Mother Superior. One night a wounded man is found on the grounds of the convent and is brought inside to be healed. He becomes the focus of the young nuns' desires as each one tries to visit this young man. But along with him has come the evil force of Satan. A local priest proceeds to exorcise the demon from within the holy building driving the nuns into a delirium of sexual madness.


Actors - Crew

Paola Senatore
Paola Maiolini
Sister Consolata
Marina Hedman
Sister Marta
Donald O'Brien
Maria Rosaria Riuzzi
Sister Giulia
Aïché Nana
Sister Angela, Mother Superior
Joe D'Amato
Nico Fidenco
Original Music Composer
Denis Diderot
Vincenzo Vanni
Mimmo Scavia
Production Design
Franco Gaudenzi
Set Decoration

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