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Title: Bruce and the Iron Finger
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 86 mins
Year: 1979
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Italian,
Genre: Action,
Country: Hong Kong,


After the murder of two kung fu experts, Bruce, a Police Inspector from New Zealand, decides to get involved in the case despite only being on vacation in Hong Kong. At the scene of the most recent murder, the victim managed to tear off a Buddha pendant from the killer. The link between the two murders is the strange markings on the victims neck. Bruce retraces the victims final footsteps and the search leads him to tracking down experts in Iron Finger Kung Fu.


Actors - Crew

Ho Tsung-Tao
Captain Chen (as Bruce Li Shao Lung)
Bruce Leung
Ling Sao
Ku Feng
Master Hu Pao (as Phong Ku)
Nami Misaki
Chiang Chou
Fang Yeh
Mai Kei
Executive Producer
Wu Fa-Shen
Lau Lei
Production Manager
Bruce Leung
Action Director
Hsiao Sung Liang
Stunt Coordinator
Ying-Fan Pan

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