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Title: A Man, a Woman and a Bank
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.083
Imdb Votes: 12
Duration: 100 mins
Year: 1979
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Romance,
Country: Canada,


Two novice thieves are plotting to rob a bank in Vancouver. A photographer snaps a shot of one thief as he is carrying the bank building's blueprints. The would-be thief then begins a relationship with the photographer and attempts to retrieve the photos. Meanwhile, the thieves' plot consists of this: one man will enter the bank building after dark, while the other man sits in a van and uses a computer to unlock the building's doors. The final step involves transporting the cash to a freight ship waiting on the docks, for transportation to a money launderer in Macau.


Actors - Crew

Donald Sutherland
Reese Halperin
Brooke Adams
Stacey Bishop
Paul Mazursky
Norman Barrie
Allan Kolman
Leigh Hamilton
Kung-Wu Huang
Mr. Tsang
Noel Black
Jack Cardiff
Director of Photography
Carl Kress
Anne Pritchard
Production Design
Bruce A. Evans
Stuart Margolin

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