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Title: Women in Cellblock 9
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.578
Imdb Votes: 32
Duration: 75 mins
Year: 1978
Language: German, English,
Genre: Drama, Action, Crime, Horror,
Country: Switzerland,


A group of female freedom-fighters led by Karine Levere is caught by the warden of a women's prison, located somwhere in the South American jungle. None of them will reveal the secrets of their organisation or the names of their collaborators in the cities, so they are handed over to Dr. Costa who, after four years inactivity in Europe, is delighted to be able to practice his torture techniques once more. Laverne fails to resist the inhuman treatments and reveals all. The only hope of saving the organization is for the girls to warn the city cell before it's too late. They trick the prison guard into having sex with them, knock him out and break out of prison. The warden and Dr. Costa must prevent them from revealing the practices inside the prison. The hunt is on and it's shoot to kill...


Actors - Crew

Karine Gambier
Howard Vernon
Dr. Milton
Susan Hemingway
Aida Gouveia
Aida Moret
Esther Studer
Dora Doll
Jesús Franco
Erwin C. Dietrich
Walter Baumgartner
Ruedi Küttel

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