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Title: The Water Babies
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.929
Imdb Votes: 14
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1978
Language: English,
Genre: Family, Fantasy, Animation, Adventure, Music,
Country: United Kingdom, Poland,


Grimes, an amoral chimney sweep, occasionally likes to steal valuables from his clients. One day, on the verge of being caught, he frames his young apprentice, Tom, for the crime. Tom runs away and jumps into a river where, instead of drowning, he finds himself transformed into a mystical aquatic creature. Swimming and breathing effortlessly, he discovers a colorful underwater world replete with creatures both cruel and kind.


Actors - Crew

James Mason
Mr. Grimes / Voice of Killer Shark
Bernard Cribbins
Mr. Masterman / Voice of Eel
Billie Whitelaw
Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby / Old Crone / Mrs. Tripp / Woman in Black / Water Babies 'Gate Keeper'
Tommy Pender
Samantha Gates
Joan Greenwood
Lady Harriet
Lionel Jeffries
Michael Robson
Charles Kingsley
Peter Shaw
Edward Scaife
Director of Photography
Peter Weatherley

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