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Title: The Boys in Company C
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.521
Imdb Votes: 72
Duration: 125 mins
Year: 1978
Language: English,
Genre: War,
Country: Hong Kong, Philippines, United States of America,


Disheartened by futile combat, appalled by the corruption of their South Vietnamese ally, and constantly endangered by the incompetence of their own company commander, the young men find a possible way out of the war. They are told that if they purposely lose a soccer game against a South Vietnamese team, they can spend the rest of their tour playing exhibition games behind the lines.


Actors - Crew

Stan Shaw
Pfc / Sgt. Tyrone Washington
Andrew Stevens
Pvt. Billy Ray Pike
James Canning
Pvt. Alvin Foster / Narrator
Michael Lembeck
Pvt. Vinnie Fazio
Craig Wasson
Pvt. Dave Bisbee
Scott Hylands
Capt. Collins
Rick Natkin
Sidney J. Furie
Frank J. Urioste
Sheila Manning
André E. Morgan
Michael Berman

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