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Title: Madame X - An Absolute Ruler
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4
Imdb Votes: 10
Duration: 141 mins
Year: 1978
Language: German, English, Italian, Russian,
Genre: Fantasy,
Country: Germany,


The notorious pirate ruler Madame X places a print ad, calling on women to escape their boring lives and promising "gold, love and adventure" to all who come aboard her ship, the Orlando. A motley crew including a housewife, diva and artist (played by Yvonne Rainer) embark on a quest for self-transformation, which quickly heads towards destruction as they are subjected to Madame X's sadistic, erotic escapades.


Actors - Crew

Tabea Blumenschein
Madame X
Roswitha Janz
Monika von Cube
Karla Freud-Goldmund
Irena von Lichtenstei
Yvonne Rainer
Josephine de Collage
Hella Utesch
Hoi Sin
Ulrike Ottinger
Tabea Blumenschein
Frank Ripploh
Assistant Director
Cynthia Beatt
Assistant Director
Claudia Skoda
Costume Design
Dörte Völz-Mammarella

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