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Title: Proof of the Man
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.3
Imdb Votes: 13
Duration: 132 mins
Year: 1977
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Drama, Crime, Mystery,
Country: Japan, United States of America,


When an American is murdered in a Japanese inn, Tokyo police detective Munesue follows the trail of the killer to New York. There he is joined by a New York City detective named Shuftan and together they sort out the crime.


Actors - Crew

Mariko Okada
Kyoko Yasugi
George Kennedy
Ken Shuftan
Yūsaku Matsuda
Detective Munesue
Hajime Hana
Broderick Crawford
Detective O'Brien
Joe Yamanaka
Johnny Hayward
Junya Satō
Seiichi Morimura
Haruki Kadokawa
Executive Producer
Milton Moshlak
Associate Producer
Simon Tse
Susumu Yoshida

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