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Title: Fantasm Comes Again
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.7
Imdb Votes: 18
Duration: 99 mins
Year: 1977
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: Australia,


Libbie is assigned to her paper's sexual advice column, "Dear Collete". She is taking over the job of Harry a crusty old journalist who shows her the pro's and cons of the job while running on a tight deadline to get the column finished for the morning's paper. During the course of the evening they reply to a wide variety of sexual experiences submitted by the readers, some these include, sex in a threesome at a drive-in theatre, sex in a gymnasium, and sex in a library where the "Silence Please" sign gives the male librarian an advantage over the female readers.


Actors - Crew

Uschi Digard
Cheryl Smith
William Margold
Mr. Davis / Tony
Rick Cassidy
Mr. Bates
Con Covert
Mr. Clark
Antony I. Ginnane
Colin Eggleston
Ross Dimsey

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