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Title: Capricorn One
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.745
Imdb Votes: 444
Duration: 123 mins
Year: 1977
Language: English,
Genre: Drama, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


In order to protect the reputation of the American space program, a team of NASA administrators turn the first Mars mission into a phony Mars landing. Under threat of harm to their families the astronauts play their part in the deception on a staged set in a deserted military base. But once the real ship returns to Earth and burns up on re-entry, the astronauts become liabilities. Now, with the help of a crusading reporter, they must battle a sinister conspiracy that will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden.


Actors - Crew

Elliott Gould
Robert Caulfield
James Brolin
Col. Charles Brubaker
Brenda Vaccaro
Kay Brubaker
Sam Waterston
Lt. Col. Peter Willis
O.J. Simpson
Cmdr. John Walker
Hal Holbrook
Dr. James Kelloway
Peter Hyams
Jerry Goldsmith
Original Music Composer
Bill Butler
Director of Photography
James Mitchell
Paul Lazarus III
Michael I. Rachmil
Associate Producer

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