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Title: The Man Who Fell to Earth
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.445
Imdb Votes: 510
Duration: 138 mins
Year: 1976
Language: English,
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama,
Country: United Kingdom,


Thomas Jerome Newton is an alien who has come to Earth in search of water to save his home planet. Aided by lawyer Oliver Farnsworth, Thomas uses his knowledge of advanced technology to create profitable inventions. While developing a method to transport water, Thomas meets Mary-Lou, a quiet hotel clerk, and begins to fall in love with her. Just as he is ready to leave Earth, Thomas is intercepted by the U.S. government, and his entire plan is threatened.


Actors - Crew

David Bowie
Thomas Jerome Newton
Rip Torn
Nathan Bryce
Candy Clark
Tony Mascia
Buck Henry
Oliver Farnsworth
Bernie Casey
Si Litvinoff
Executive Producer
Anthony B. Richmond
Director of Photography
Graeme Clifford
Nicolas Roeg
Walter Tevis
Brian Eatwell
Production Design

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