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Title: Outlaw Cop
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 2
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1976
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Action,
Country: Japan,


A bad cop is engaged in a violent chase to catch a yakuza boss. In his absence his wife runs away with another man, who turns out to be the very same man that her husband is hunting. Once he discovers this, he loses his nerve and turns in his badge. But the chase turns into a personal vendetta where the ex-cop plans to wipe out the entire gang.


Actors - Crew

Yoshio Harada
Tsuyoshi Nishino
Naoko Ohtani
Shogo Shimizu
Minoru Ōki
Hideji Ōtaki
Tappei Shimokawa
Akira Inomata
Executive Producer
Takeo Kunihiro
Shigemori Shigeta
Art Direction
Isao Suzuki
Sound Recordist
Sachio Obi
Sound Mixer
Rei Miura
Lighting Technician

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