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Title: Alice, Sweet Alice
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.4
Imdb Votes: 250
Duration: 108 mins
Year: 1976
Language: English, Latin,
Genre: Horror, Mystery,
Country: United States of America,


Alice is a withdrawn 12-year-old who lives with her mother and her younger sister, Karen, who gets most of the attention from her mother, leaving Alice out of the spotlight. When Karen is found brutally murdered in a church, suspicions start to turn toward Alice. But could a 12-year-old girl really be capable of such savagery?


Actors - Crew

Linda Miller
Catherine Spages
Mildred Clinton
Mrs. Tredoni
Paula E. Sheppard
Alice Spages
Niles McMaster
Dom Spages
Jane Lowry
Aunt Annie DeLorenze
Rudolph Willrich
Father Tom
Alfred Sole
Rosemary Ritvo
M. Edward Salier
Stephen Lawrence
Richard K. Rosenberg
Executive Producer
Marc G. Greenberg
Associate Producer

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