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Title: Aces High
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.735
Imdb Votes: 66
Duration: 114 mins
Year: 1976
Language: German, French, English,
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
Country: France, United Kingdom,


The first World War is in its third year and aerial combat above the Western Front is consuming the nation's favored children at an appalling rate. By early 1917, the average life-span of a British pilot is less than a fortnight. Such losses place a fearsome strain on Gresham, commanding officer of the squadron. Aces High recreates the early days of the Royal Flying Corps with some magnificently staged aerial battles, and sensitive direction presents a moving portrayal of the futilities of war.


Actors - Crew

Malcolm McDowell
Maj. John Gresham
Christopher Plummer
Capt. 'Uncle' Sinclair
Simon Ward
Lt. Crawford
Peter Firth
Lt. Stephen Croft
David Wood
Lt. 'Tommy' Thompson
John Gielgud
Jack Gold
Benjamin Fisz
Richard Hartley
Maude Spector
Howard Barker
Gerry Fisher
Director of Photography

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