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Title: The Child of Another
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 8
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1975
Language: French,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: Cameroon,


Ngando and Ndomé share an extremely perfect love. Yet, tradition demands a dowry for Ndomé’s hand that Ngando, an orphan, cannot afford. Forced to ask his uncle for assistance, Ngando finds himself at the mercy of his uncle’s lust and greed. How can Ngando and Ndomé find peace together? Their journey will be challenging and everyone will learn that not everything special can be saved.


Actors - Crew

Philippe Abia
Arlette Din Beli
Gisèle Dikongue-Pipa
David Endene
J.L. Leon
Director of Photography
J.P. Delazay
Director of Photography
Jean-Pierre Dikongué-Pipa
Andrée Davanture

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