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Title: Shivers
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.388
Imdb Votes: 641
Duration: 88 mins
Year: 1975
Language: English,
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction,
Country: Canada,


When the residents of a luxury apartment complex outside Montreal are infiltrated by parasites and transformed into violent, sex-crazed maniacs, it's up to Dr. Roger St. Luc to contain the outbreak from spreading to the city.


Actors - Crew

Paul Hampton
Roger St. Luc
Joe Silver
Rollo Linsky
Lynn Lowry
Nurse Forsythe
Allan Kolman
Nicholas Tudor
Susan Petrie
Janine Tudor
Barbara Steele
Don Carmody
David Cronenberg
Ivan Reitman
John Dunning
Executive Producer
André Link
Executive Producer
Alfred Pariser
Executive Producer

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