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Title: Carry On Behind
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.5
Imdb Votes: 50
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1975
Language: German, English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


Professors Vrooshka and Crump decide to visit an archaeological site to study the artifacts there. Lo and behold, it's right next to a caravan site where all manner of people are staying. With a randy Major owning the site, a snobbish mother, and the two professors' constant innuendos, the story ends with a sinking caravan site and a striptease performance as a replacement for the cabaret night.


Actors - Crew

Elke Sommer
Professor Anna Vooshka
Kenneth Williams
Professor Roland Crump
Bernard Bresslaw
Arthur Upmore
Kenneth Connor
Major Leep
Jack Douglas
Ernie Bragg
Joan Sims
Daphne Barnes
Gerald Thomas
Dave Freeman
Eric Rogers
Ernest Steward
Courtenay Elliott
Costume Design
Stella Rivers

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