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Title: A Happy Divorce
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 6
Duration: 102 mins
Year: 1975
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: France, Denmark,


After having been rescued from suicide, a young man is the object of a bet by his doctor that the doctor can help him recover his joy in life. Ironically, the doctor's life is not a very happy one either, and his boast has a hollow sound. For one thing, although he seemingly has a "happy divorce," in which he, his ex-wife and her new husband are all great pals, it's not true. He wants his wife back. All sorts of complications arise out of these lies and distortions.


Actors - Crew

Jean Rochefort
Jean-Baptiste Morin, læge
Bulle Ogier
Marguerite, Morins tidligere kone
André Dussollier
François Winter, journalist
Daniel Ceccaldi
Antoine, skuespiller
Anne-Lise Gabold
Étienne Bierry
Benny Andersen
Henning Carlsen

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