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Title: In Danger and Dire Distress the Middle of the Road Leads to Death
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.1
Imdb Votes: 8
Duration: 86 mins
Year: 1974
Language: German,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Germany,


Combining fictional and documentary modes, the film takes a critical stance toward Frankfurt's public sphere and urban redevelopment. Despite the serious formal and political concerns of the film, Kluge's heightened sense of the absurd safeguards a reserve of utopian optimism.


Actors - Crew

Dagmar Bödderich
Inge Maier
Jutta Winkelmann
Rita Müller-Eisert
Kurt Jürgens
Alfred Edel
Norbert Kentrup
Max Endrich
Willi Münch
Alexander Kluge
Edgar Reitz
Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus

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