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Title: Double Agent 73
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.9
Imdb Votes: 21
Duration: 73 mins
Year: 1974
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
Country: United States of America,


Underworld drug king Toplar is flooding the market with low-grade heroin. Agent 99 gets a bit too close to the truth, but manages to gasp out a clue as to the identity of Toplar: he has a scar. Jane (Agent 73) is called in to find Toplar, and gets a camera implanted in her breast in order to photograph the bad guys she dispatches so headquarters will be able to identify Toplar when she finds him. Meanwhile she begins falling in love with fellow agent Jim.


Actors - Crew

Chesty Morgan
Jane Tennay
Frank Silvano
Tim / Ivan Toplar
Saul Meth
Igor Stotsky
Peter Savage
Bill / Boss
Louis Burdi
Mark Chiaro / Ivan Toplar
Denise Purcell
Doris Wishman
Louis Burdi
Nouri Haviv
Director of Photography
Miriam Meth
Makeup Artist
Judy J. Kushner
C. Davis Smith
Director of Photography

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