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Title: Carry On Dick
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.8
Imdb Votes: 55
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1974
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United Kingdom,


Dick Turpin is terrorising the countryside around Upper Dencher. Captain Fancey and Sergeant Jock Strapp plan to put an end to his escapades, and enlist the help of the Reverend Flasher. Little do they know that the priest leads a double life. Then Madame Desiree and her "Birds of Paradise" arrive in the village...


Actors - Crew

Sid James
Big Dick Turpin / Reverend Flasher
Barbara Windsor
Kenneth Williams
Captain Desmond Fancey
Hattie Jacques
Martha Hoggett
Bernard Bresslaw
Sir Roger Daley
Joan Sims
Madame Desirée
Gerald Thomas
Talbot Rothwell
Lionel Couch
Art Direction
Eric Rogers
Stella Rivers
Roy Goddard
Production Manager

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