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Title: The Sex Thief
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.25
Imdb Votes: 11
Duration: 89 mins
Year: 1973
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
Country: United Kingdom,


A struggling pulp fiction writer who doubles as an incompetent jewel thief. He gets caught in the act every time, but he uses his looks and charm to make the best of it. Soon he becomes a celebrity. Wealthy women start leaving their jewels out like milk and cookies for Santa Claus in hopes that the sex thief will unlawfully invade their domiciles.


Actors - Crew

Jennifer Westbrook
Emily Barrow (as Jenny Westbrook)
David Warbeck
Grant Henry
Gerald Taylor
Herbert Barrow
Michael Armstrong
Sergeant Plinth
Terence Edmond
Inspector Smith
Diane Keen
Judy Martin
Martin Campbell
Tudor Gates
Michael Armstrong
Michael Style
Michael Vickers
Grenville Middleton

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