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Title: The Kyoto Connection
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.5
Imdb Votes: 15
Duration: 72 mins
Year: 1973
Language: Japanese, Swedish,
Genre: Drama, Action,
Country: Japan,


Christina, on arriving in Japan, acquaints a Japanese man at the airport who looks like a sap. He takes her to his apartment where he brutally rapes her and keeps her hostage and bound in chains. Christina's alluring beauty eventually enchants the rapist and he is soon consulting his 'How to Stimulate a Woman' sex book in an effort to please her...


Actors - Crew

Christina Lindberg
Ingrid Jacobsen
Ichiro Araki
Masaharu Arikawa
Yurie Hidaka
Takuzō Kawatani
Masataka Iwao
Sadao Nakajima
Takeo Kaneko

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