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Title: Shot
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.8
Imdb Votes: 5
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1973
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Crime,


Semi-urban detective duo Ross and Wilson have been charged with taking down local drug kingpin, Blasi. After busting a low-level pusher, they convince his girlfriend, Sheila, to start working for them as an undercover operative in exchange for avoiding prison. But as Ross finds himself becoming romantically interested in his new, perpetually spaced out informant, Blasi continues to strengthen his crime empire, setting his sights on even loftier, and deadlier, ambitions.


Actors - Crew

Charles 'Harpo' Adkins
Mark Ammons
Frank Andrews
John Ashford
Margaret Uharik
Frank Himes
Mitch Brown
Nate Kohn
Rod Adrian
Tomlinson Holman
'Pappy' Tuber
Special Effects

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