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Title: Night of Fear
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.5
Imdb Votes: 18
Duration: 54 mins
Year: 1973
Language: English,
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
Country: Australia,


A young girl who has just spent an afternoon playing tennis and making love with a man, gets accidentally run off the road by a truck. Ending up on a dead-end dirt road, her car gets stuck in a ditch, where she starts getting terrorized by a drooling, gibbering psycho, who also has a colony of rats.


Actors - Crew

Norman Yemm
The Man
Carla Hoogeveen
The Woman
Mike Dorsey
The Lover
Briony Behets
Horse Girl
Peter Armstrong
The Truckie
James Moss
The Client
Terry Bourke
Ray Alchin
Peter Hendry
Director of Photography
Michael Lake
Assistant Director
Gary Hansen
Production Design
Rod Hay
Executive Producer

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