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Title: Ladies & Gentlemen, the Rolling Stones
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.708
Imdb Votes: 12
Duration: 83 mins
Year: 1973
Language: English,
Genre: Music,
Country: United States of America,


A concert film taken from two Rolling Stones concerts during their 1972 North American tour. In 1972, the Stones bring their Exile on Main Street tour to Texas: 15 songs, with five from the "Exile" album. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Mick Taylor, Charlie Watts, and Bill Wyman on a small stage with three other musicians. Until the lights come up near the end, we see the Stones against a black background. The camera stays mostly on Jagger, with a few shots of Taylor. Richards is on screen for his duets and for some guitar work on the final two songs. It's music from start to finish: hard rock ("All Down the Line"), the blues ("Love in Vain" and "Midnight Rambler"), a tribute to Chuck Berry ("Bye Bye Johnny"), and no "Satisfaction."


Actors - Crew

Mick Jagger
Self - Vocals, Harp
Charlie Watts
Self - Drums
Bill Wyman
Self - Bass
Mick Taylor
Self - Guitar
Nicky Hopkins
Self - Piano
Bobby Keys
Self - Saxophone, Percussion
Rollin Binzer
Douglas Ibold
Laura Lesser
Marshall Chess

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